Friday, 22 February 2013

Its all happening at Les Cerisiers

Planning events here at Les Cerisiers in southern Burgundy is so exciting I sometimes fear that I may burst. My 'dream' of this blog title and also the business was to have a creative arts and activity centre that offered space to people who wanted to spend time doing what they love, and working with gifted people who make this happen is a complete joy.

So, what have we in store for you in 2013? Alexia Fachon ( and Murielle (Mumu) Naigeon ( will be running a well being weekend here from 5-8 April. A combination of Alexia's yoga, meditation and massage with Mumu's tasty food treats leaves guests feeling revitalised and ready for anything.

At the beginning of June Karen Ely ( will be leading a group of women through six days of serenity, personal growth, community, creativity and a quiet step into simpler times. This will be Karen's third visit here to Les Cerisiers for a week that has always brought laughter, friendship, music and magical energy to the place.

Another returning tutor is Quilt Ace Christine Porter. Chris will be bringing her unique style and humour (as always) to this years event that celebrates floor tile designs. Guaranteed to improve quilting techniques, add colour to life and ensure uninterrupted quilt time I can hardly wait to see this years creations.

I'm really excited about a new event for this year - Anne-Marie Fyfe will be joining us in September for a week long poetry workshop 'Write reality, live the dream'. This event is already full although we're keeping a waiting list. There's no doubt that Burgundy inspires writers and we're hoping Anne-Marie's group will be thrilled with the work they produce.

As usual Roger Bonjour will keep us supplied with wine and offers wine tastings to all our guests.

If organised activities are not your thing but being creative is, we also offer our facilities for private rental for individuals or groups.

Hope to welcome you to Les Cerisiers this year.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

What's new with us?

Gosh, it's been a while but we haven't been idle here in southern Burgundy. The past few months have been put to good use planning some great events here (more of these later) and getting down to some creativity of our own. Inspired by a trip to Barcelona last year I've been itching for a chance to make a stained glass window based on a design I saw at the Familia Sagrada cathedral. So, when I found a great glass supplier in Lyon, I made my selection and set to work. The small window by the front door is now home to my own 'homage to Catalonia'.

A friend, ( has a sister in law who trains mid-wives in Ethiopia. Not having much in the way of high-tech, state of the art training aids they rely heavily on knitted uteruses (yes, this is the plural as well as 'uteri') to demonstrate birth. Warm fires, warm friends, mulled wine, knitting and doing something worth while seemed a marvellous combination so the winter project was launched. A bonus is that I've learned to knit in the round on four needles!! If anyone is interested in having a go, please get in touch.

My other winter activity to help improve my French was to become part of the committee that produces our annual village magazine. For a small commune of only 338 inhabitants (5 more than last year), there is so much going on and articles from the various clubs, associations, societies and organisations were commissioned. Images were sourced and debates (fuelled by wine) continued long into the chilly winter evenings. I was thrilled to bits when it was decided that not one but two of Malcolm Jarvis' paintings (Malcolm tutors pastel painting events here) were chosen to adorn the covers of the magazine.

I shall be blogging again in the next few days to let you know more about the events happening here this year but I can reveal we'll be welcoming back Alexia Fachon, Christine Porter, Karen Ely and Murielle Naigeon and welcoming for the first time Anne Marie Fyfe. 2013 is going to be fun.