Friday, 26 October 2012

Catch up...and thanks

Last blog in April!! That's shocking but it also serves to illustrate a point - be careful what you wish for. Towards the end of February things were looking a little quiet around here and it was time to sit and have a think and a chat about what we wanted from the year ahead. Adventure, a bit of travel, something to really challenge the grey cells, a bit of truck driving (Mark, not me), guests to enjoy the place and participate in the courses we had lined up, to see more of our friends, the list went on.

Within 10 days all of the above started to roll in and we found ourselves juggling with ever increasing numbers of metaphorical balls. So, in brief, since April we have travelled widely (Spain, Kazakhstan, Poland, Switzerland, UK, Italy, Hungary, Germany and Belguim), have started a course of study, have spent precious time with friends old and new, have welcomed returning guests and those coming for the first time and driven trucks (Mark, not me). I shall blog separately about our last two events over the coming week and also let you know our exciting plans for 2013 but today is about thank yous. 

The first thank you goes to two wonderful people, Dan and Doris, who   came to Les Cerisiers to manage the place during the summer months. After a brief induction into chicken keeping, cat sitting, septic tank management and learning all the quirks of our 17th century farm house, Dan and Doris launched themselves into Montmelard life - and loved it. In fact, being sent weekly photos of D&D enjoying our home, friends, BBQ made us slightly anxious as to whether, when the time came, they would simply demand squatters rights. They have now moved on to Ireland but with the promise of a return visit next year.

Then there are thanks to Bren and her mum and to Mark's parents who all came and helped with food preparation (those of you who enjoyed the afternoon teas here have this bunch to thank for the goodies). Also to Di (above) who was here ensuring sanity (mine) and lending a hand in the kitchen, garden and wherever a cork needed pulling and to Roger (also above) for his fabulous, fun wine tasting events which we never tire of. And final thanks to B and D for too many things to list here.

So, thank you to the people above and to those of you who spent time here this year. Hope to see you all again soon.

1 comment:

  1. a very interesting information, with this insight we are getting, thanks a lot for various information

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