Sunday, 5 January 2014

New Year 2014

Daisy and Plum having a lovely time
One day you're happily blogging about harvest time, the next you find yourself in a new year with new plans and new adventures.

The last three months have whirled by - I've been off travelling to some pastures new (Nigeria, Venice) and some familiar (UAE). I've been catching up with some old friends (hello Susie, Wanda, Marina) and making some new ones, but one thing that has been reinforced is that there is no place like home (thank you Dorothy).

Eddie taking it easy
The Wizard of Oz is one of my favourite films and something I subject anyone here on Christmas day to watching (once they've sat through White Christmas, of course). So many words of wisdom that resonate with me - I rarely have to look any further than my own front yard to find everything I've been searching for.

My front yard is currently home to my chickens who constantly entertain as well as supply eggs; it is where friends arrive in cars and on foot bringing news, ideas and laughter; it offers views of the landscape I now call home dotted with friend's homes and well trodden pathways; provides a sheltered place to do my breathing exercises (this is the year of strengthened core and calm) and where Eddie cat rolls over for a tummy tickle at every opportunity.
Christmas baking

The courtyard will form the backdrop to colourful quilts in September and will see artists at their easels capturing the grey knotty wood of the barn door or lichen covered stones in October.

Strangers will step from their cars and take in the house and orchard for the first time, hopefully appreciating the pure air and stillness; roses planted last year will bloom and I shall smile to see their nodding heads in the border.

The Christmas lights will be taken from the front of the house tonight but solar twinkles will remain helping to maintain the magical nature of this place.
Happy New Year.

Snow man

Christmas cake - all gone now!