There were a number of themes running through life at Les Cerisiers this Easter. One was family and friends - we had 11 of our nearest and dearest over to stay during the holiday weekend. Another was the colour pink - mostly as a choice for clothing, and finally eggs, which weren't such a huge surprise.
The results of our labours were colourful and, even better, very messy. But once the eggs had had a chance for the paint, glitter and other adornments to set, the final display was nothing short of spectacular (or should that be sp-egg-tacular?)
The market at Louhans is one of our favourites. Not only is the town a wonderful place for culinary treats, splendid Burgundian architecture and an enjoyable cross country ride, but the market brings in traders and buyers alike from miles around making for a vibrant, exhilarating day out. We were on the hunt for two new chickens but the choice was overwhelming. After being side tracked a number of times by bunnies, goats and guinea fowl, we finally settled on a couple of blue chooks. They will be introduced to you at a future date, for now its enough to know they're called Tyla and Bud.
There is only so much fun you can have with real eggs and, finding Sunday morning dry and clear skied after a week of rain, the time was ripe for an Easter egg hunt. Thankfully running around in the orchard for an hour or so should balance out the calorific value of these shiny treasures. More smiles, more messy fingers, more eggs.