Monday, 16 August 2010

A small thank you

We're so fortunate to have met some extraordinary gifted people who have played a part in making the really big dream company, not only a reality but something incredibly special. Today I'd like to tell you about three of them who have offered insights and ideas and have brought laughter and fun to our world.

Alan Stevens, who came to visit us here at Les Cerisiers with his wife Heather Waring, (walkers coach) has written a fantastically useful book PING. The theme of the book is how to make social media work for you and your business. Anything that sounds like it will save me money gets my vote and this book has become invaluable. Many people starting new businesses, myself included, may, from time to time, lose their way a bit. With PING in one hand I set about (re)defining exactly what the really big dream company was all about. There may be some tweaking (as opposed to tweeting which I've yet to get to grips with) still to be done but here's a brief preview of the message I want to broadcast: Stop day dreaming and get off your backside and come to Burgundy where you can do something that makes you feel great and happy to be alive! Feedback welcomed. PING is packed with all sorts of tips on how to market your business, write half decent news letters, use Twitter and face book to optomise your visibility and a host of other practical ideas - the book has led me by the hand along a path I had a fear of treading and encouraged me to enjoy the experience. You can get your own copy of PING by following this link: Thanks Alan.

Helen Pointer is a wonderful, warm and generous friend who certainly seems to be making the most of her life. Helen left a hugely successful career in senior management within the medical profession to follow her dream of becoming a sought after caricaturist.
As a freelance trainer, Helen embodies the spirit of being the best you can be and works with others, in the most entertaining way, to tackle areas such as: Self-esteem and Leadership, Presentation and Communication Skills and personal impact and interpersonal skill areas. All of this whilst sketching humorous caricatures.

Helen was with us recently so we decided to ask her a couple of questions (sketching some wonderful cartoons of her time at Les Cerisiers):

Q: What does 'Follow your dreams' mean to you?
H: To maintain high levels of optimism, courage, flexibility, fortitude, humour and phlegm!

Q: What does 'Burgundy' conjure up for you?
H: The smell of lavender, pasta bake, good wine and shameless women!

Q: What are the elements of your perfect day?
H: A perfect day – the certainty of good health, the opportunity to DO what you love doing and the expression of appreciation when you achieve it.

To find out more, or to contact Helen (who is available for public speaking, training, personal commissions, weddings and just about any other event you could imagine), please feel free to visit her website

The third person I wanted to mention today is Adam, Marks son. A constant source of energy and enthusiasm (not to mention a great help with some rather dullish jobs), Adam has recently discovered the joys of home movies. Hours have been spent over the past couple of weeks detailing, with the aid of his mobile phone video facility, every aspect of life here at Les Cerisiers. The use of videos in Blogs as promotional clips should really be kept to around a minute max. apparently, so Adam edited his magnum opus to exactly 60 seconds to have it included here. You're now witnessing the first steps towards realising Adam's dream of becoming a camera man (once he's retired from his international running career of course). I hope you enjoy it.